With the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation developing quickly, we believe it’s important to be transparent about how NEOOPS is responding to the outbreak. Our philosophy as a business is to approach this situation with empathy and urgency; NEOOPS’ top priority, of course, is the health and safety of our employees and of the communities we serve, including our customers, partners, etc.

Due to the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19, the local government has advised against all but essential travel. At NEOOPS, we are fortunate in that we’ve been able to move our team to working from home and there should be minimal disruption to our customers and employees in terms of customer service. Likewise, many organizations have placed a company-related travel ban making it impossible to attend business events such as exhibitions, conferences, business meetings or trainings. This has encouraged us here at NEOOPS to use the technology we have at our disposal to provide our community and customers with the same great services they are already familiar with, but now either remotely or virtually, meaning there is absolutely no need to miss out.
We will shortly be releasing a short series of posts detailing some of these remote or virtual opportunities, so make sure to stay tuned to find out more!
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